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This exciting class format is performed on a stand up board in the lap pool. The board and water create challenges to exercise differently than on land. The motion of the board on the water causes your body to constantly balance and stabilize effectively improving both. A great challenge for all fitness levels. Sign up […]
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Fun water aerobics utilizing a combination of aqua equipment. Instructor: Melissa
Group exercise on a stationary bike. This class offers strength, interval, and aerobic rides. Perfect for all fitness levels as you “ride your own ride.” Please sign up in advance at the Wellness Desk upstairs. Bring a water bottle and towel and arrive 5 minutes early for your first class so that the instructor can […]
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Interval circuit style class with an emphasis on endurance training with strength circuits inter-mixed to keep things interesting while increasing power output. Instructor: Sabrina
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
You won't be bored when you do circuit training. This workout gets your heart rate up and strengthens your muscles at the same time. You’ll move quickly through a variety of exercise stations to work different muscle groups. Each week will be a new challenge, but always great for any fitness level. Instructor: Jodee
Each weekend a different instructor will lead class. A variety of instructors and formats will be offered throughout the session on Saturdays.
This exciting class format is performed on a stand up board in the lap pool. The board and water create challenges to exercise differently than on land. The motion of the board on the water causes your body to constantly balance and stabilize effectively improving both. A great challenge for all fitness levels. Sign up […]
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Fun water aerobics utilizing a combination of aqua equipment. Instructor: Melissa
Group exercise on a stationary bike. This class offers strength, interval, and aerobic rides. Perfect for all fitness levels as you “ride your own ride.” Please sign up in advance at the Wellness Desk upstairs. Bring a water bottle and towel and arrive 5 minutes early for your first class so that the instructor can […]
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Interval circuit style class with an emphasis on endurance training with strength circuits inter-mixed to keep things interesting while increasing power output. Instructor: Sabrina
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
You won't be bored when you do circuit training. This workout gets your heart rate up and strengthens your muscles at the same time. You’ll move quickly through a variety of exercise stations to work different muscle groups. Each week will be a new challenge, but always great for any fitness level. Instructor: Jodee
Each weekend a different instructor will lead class. A variety of instructors and formats will be offered throughout the session on Saturdays.
This exciting class format is performed on a stand up board in the lap pool. The board and water create challenges to exercise differently than on land. The motion of the board on the water causes your body to constantly balance and stabilize effectively improving both. A great challenge for all fitness levels. Sign up […]
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Fun water aerobics utilizing a combination of aqua equipment. Instructor: Melissa
Group exercise on a stationary bike. This class offers strength, interval, and aerobic rides. Perfect for all fitness levels as you “ride your own ride.” Please sign up in advance at the Wellness Desk upstairs. Bring a water bottle and towel and arrive 5 minutes early for your first class so that the instructor can […]
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Interval circuit style class with an emphasis on endurance training with strength circuits inter-mixed to keep things interesting while increasing power output. Instructor: Sabrina
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
You won't be bored when you do circuit training. This workout gets your heart rate up and strengthens your muscles at the same time. You’ll move quickly through a variety of exercise stations to work different muscle groups. Each week will be a new challenge, but always great for any fitness level. Instructor: Jodee
Each weekend a different instructor will lead class. A variety of instructors and formats will be offered throughout the session on Saturdays.
This exciting class format is performed on a stand up board in the lap pool. The board and water create challenges to exercise differently than on land. The motion of the board on the water causes your body to constantly balance and stabilize effectively improving both. A great challenge for all fitness levels. Sign up […]
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Fun water aerobics utilizing a combination of aqua equipment. Instructor: Melissa
Group exercise on a stationary bike. This class offers strength, interval, and aerobic rides. Perfect for all fitness levels as you “ride your own ride.” Please sign up in advance at the Wellness Desk upstairs. Bring a water bottle and towel and arrive 5 minutes early for your first class so that the instructor can […]
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Interval circuit style class with an emphasis on endurance training with strength circuits inter-mixed to keep things interesting while increasing power output. Instructor: Sabrina
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
You won't be bored when you do circuit training. This workout gets your heart rate up and strengthens your muscles at the same time. You’ll move quickly through a variety of exercise stations to work different muscle groups. Each week will be a new challenge, but always great for any fitness level. Instructor: Jodee
Each weekend a different instructor will lead class. A variety of instructors and formats will be offered throughout the session on Saturdays.
This exciting class format is performed on a stand up board in the lap pool. The board and water create challenges to exercise differently than on land. The motion of the board on the water causes your body to constantly balance and stabilize effectively improving both. A great challenge for all fitness levels. Sign up […]
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Fun water aerobics utilizing a combination of aqua equipment. Instructor: Melissa
Group exercise on a stationary bike. This class offers strength, interval, and aerobic rides. Perfect for all fitness levels as you “ride your own ride.” Please sign up in advance at the Wellness Desk upstairs. Bring a water bottle and towel and arrive 5 minutes early for your first class so that the instructor can […]
New to yoga and want to stick to the basics? This class offers an introduction to the basics of Hatha yoga. Fundamental postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques are introduced. Expect a slow pace and detailed instructions. Great for beginners or those who prefer a gently yoga class. Instructor: Rhonda
Interval circuit style class with an emphasis on endurance training with strength circuits inter-mixed to keep things interesting while increasing power output. Instructor: Sabrina
Do you enjoy working out in a group setting? This program is supervised by a wellness specialist and will offer a different stretching and strengthening workout each day with all of the components of a complete exercise program. Friday is dedicated to balance & core work. Instructors: Sam, Derek, Sabrina
You won't be bored when you do circuit training. This workout gets your heart rate up and strengthens your muscles at the same time. You’ll move quickly through a variety of exercise stations to work different muscle groups. Each week will be a new challenge, but always great for any fitness level. Instructor: Jodee